Friday 24 May 2024

AGM 2024 (Navy Foundation Mumbai)

The euphoria of interacting with like-minded Veterans is indeed priceless, as was evident during the overwhelming gatherings of Veterans and Veer Naris during the Veterans Day events in Jan this year. The 3rd Veterans Day Parade made NFMC showcase the Solidarity and Bonhomie of Mumbai Veterans of all three services. The Cricket Tournament, the Sailing Race and the Octogenarians and Veer Naris Gala at INS Hamla, has not only brought the Veterans close together but acted as a bridge to bring the serving and retired fraternity closer together on the same Platform.   

     The Annual General Meeting of the Naval Veterans of Mumbai Chapter at IMSC Colaba, has always been a much awaited and sought after affair organised in Apr/ May every year. This year it was planned for Sunday 19th May, the NF AGM/ Sammanvay  having been accomplished at Vizag on 21/22 Mar 2024.

    Early Bells for the AGM were sounded on 10th Feb with a tentative schedule of AGM on 19th May with Previous yrs Balance  Sheet and MoM as attachments. Agenda points were called for. Cdr Anoop Verma, VrC had fwded a few points. His points had been discussed in absentia as he had to leave for Vizag 2 days prior.


        The Annual General Body meeting of the Navy Foundation Mumbai Chapter was held at 1200 hrs. on Sunday 19th May 2024 in the Sea-Lounge of IMSC and was attended by 164 members (including 12 Veer Naris). In addition 115 spouses who had accompanied the Veterans were entertained at the Drona Hard by a free Game of Tambola, conducted by Meena Dutta with attractive prizes sponsored by Smiling Souls Org looking after the welfare of Veterans in Pune and Mumbai. There were rounds of Chat and Pani-pooris. It was also heartening to meet our Senior Veer Naris Mrs Poonam Gulati and Mrs Ranjana Auditto, who came all the way from Pune to attend the AGM. Hard copies of Quarter Deck 2023 were made available to Veterans and Veer Naries at the IMSC Lounge. A stall was set up by RamaRao, ex POMA from Bangalore for Naval Souvenirs, that was much sought after. The PLD and Lunch to follow, post AGM was exquisite, sumptuous and multi-cuisine and drew much appreciation from the Veterans and Veer Naris. A melodious Karaoke session post lunch was the Icing on the Cake on the AGM Day.          

     The following Core Committee & Co-opted members of NFMC and a large quorum of 164 members, including our  former CNS Adm Vijai Singh Shekhawat, PVSM, AVSM, VrC; VAdm & Mrs. Parvesh Jaitly, PVSM, AVSM, VSM; VAdm & Mrs RF Contractor, PVSM, AVSM, NM;  VAdm SKK Krishnan, AVSM, VSM;  VAdm & Mrs. IC Rao, PVSM, AVSM; RAdm PK Sinha, AVSM, VSM; and RAdm DN Thukral, VSM  attended the AGM.  Our outstation member, Cdr Brian Stephens drove down from Nasik. Capt Krishan Kumar, Tres NFDC also was our Guest at the AGM. The members of Management Committee present were:

Core Committee:

Cdr Vijay Vadhera, NM(G),President

Cdr Rajinder Dutta, (Hon. Secy)

LCdr. FarokhTarapore, VSM, (Hon. Treasurer)


Committee Members

Dr Kanta Mukherji (Rep Western Suburbs)

Cdr Nozar Engineer  ( Rep Western Suburbs)\

Cdr AS Pande  (Rep Western Suburbs)

Cdr Saorabh Agarwal  (Rep Central Mumbai)

Cmde Anand Singh (Rep Navi Mumbai)

Cdr Man Singh (Rep Navi Mumbai)

Cdr GC Rai (Rep Navi Mumbai)

Cmde Rajbir Singh Bhadana, VSM (Rep South Mumbai)

Cdr Dinesh Rai, NM(G) (Rep South Mumbai)

Cdr KB Sahi  (Rep South Mumbai)

Cdr Abhishek Kankan, NM(G) (Rep Thane)


   In addition, Cmde Raahul Mahajan (LOIC NAVPAY), Cmde Sunil Rajasekharan (CABS), Cmde Rishi Raj Kohli (Angre), Cmde  Pushkar Singh (GM INCS), Capt Rajesh Saini (CRSO), Surg Cmde Rajneesh Kumar Patel (XO Asvini) and Col Kamlesh Sharma (DD RC ECHS) also attended the AGM. RAdm Rajat Kapoor, CSO(P&A) graced the occasion after the AGM to interact with Veterans over PLD and Lunch.


  A CPR Demo had been arranged by Cdr Vijay Vadhera, President NFMC for the benefit of all Veterans, spouses and Veer Naris present, at 1130 hrs prior to commencement of AGM. Maj (AMC) Niteesh with his 2 MAs elaborated upon when and how to perform the CPR in case of an unfortunate Cardiac emergency, while awaiting medical help. The audience doubts were well addressed by the Medical Officer. The Demo was appreciated by all Veterans.

     At the outset Cdr Vijay Vadhera, President NFMC welcomed all members present at the AGM and expressed his delight on Veterans turning up in large numbers. He briefly went about the schedule of the AGM proceedings. The AGM started with observance of 2 minutes silence in honour of the following Veterans, Spouses and Veer Naris who left us for their heavenly abode since the last AGM held on 25 Jun 2023. The last post was played as all stood up to observe 2 mins silenceThe President in his address mentioned about the welfare measures been/ being taken by NFMC managing committee, the Veterans Day events conducted in Jan this year, starting with 3rd Veterans day Parade and culminating with Veer Naris and Octogenarian get-together in INS Hamla on 22nd Jan 2024, Matrimonial alliance being facilitated for Veteran members of all 3 services, the 5 foreign tours undertaken and the next one scheduled for Japan. He brought out that 117 new members had joined our foundation since the last AGM; 3 of those present introduced themselves, some with a touch of humour, declaring themselves to be ‘happily married,’ a class oxymoron that’s second to none. Cdr Vadhera also  briefed the members on important decisions taken by CNS during the recently concluded Navy AGM/ GCM/ Sammanvay held in Vizag on 21/22 Mar 2024 . 

    The Previous AGM’s Minutes and Balance sheet was approved during the AGM. There were no Old Agenda points and a few received from Cdr Anoop Verma were discussed. 

The next item was honouring the Octogenarians. The Octogenarians on attaining 80 yrs draw enhanced pension and are presented with CNS memento. The Secy/ Area CMs have been visiting the Octogenarians on their 80th Birthday. Cmde Vijay Vaid (60153-K )(MUM-0085), who became an Octogenarian on 14 Feb this year, was presented the CNS Memento by Admiral VS Shekhawat, our former CNS.

    Cmde Srikant B Kesnur, VSM and  Cdr Rajinder Dutta (9th time in succession) were awarded cash award of Rs 5000/ each for their articles published in Quarter Deck 2023 as per the themes promulgated by DESA. Capt Raj Mohindra awarded Cmde Srikant, while Raj received it from RAdm DN Thukral. Cmde Kesnur exhorted  the Veterans to share with him their anecdotes of Navy with what ever photos, for him to add to his articles for media publicity.  

       In his concluding address Cdr Raj Dutta, Hon. Secy spoke on the Genesis of NFMC, the role of the foundation, the organisation of the various areas under Mumbai region being administered by various Committee members for effective functioning of NFMC. He thanked the Veterans for contributing to the Society in their own manner and conveyed  Best wishes to Veterans in times to come.

  The president thanked all the Veterans for attending the AGM and making it a historic event with overwhelming attendance of 164 members(plus 115 spouses), reposing faith in the present Managing Committee.  He thanked the HQ WNC and associated establishments for total support to the Veterans fraternity at all times.

The Vote of thanks was Proposed by Cmde Vimal Kumar (00689-R) (MUM-0105), who complimented the Managing Committee for the dedicated honorable work being done and wished them all the very Best. He mentioned about his younger brother, whom he had visited in USA recently. His brother was so impressed by the NFMC work ethos that during his departure at the Airport, his brother handed over two chocolate boxes for President and Secy NFMC. There was a big round of applause.  Vote of Thanks was seconded by Cmde Padmakar Singh (02384-T)(MUM-0196)



The meet and greet session then started amidst rounds of Mocktails and drinks and sumptuous Eats. Meena kept clicking groups of Veterans and Veer Naris meeting after a long time, capturing the prized moments to be frozen in footprints of Time.   It was pleasure and honour to interact with elderly Veterans and my coursemates Capr HPS Sodhi, Cdr Narendra Shrivastava & Cdr SD Singh with their good ladies. Everyone that I happen to interact with had a word of praise for the NFMC Management Committee under the leadership of Cdr Vijay Vadhera. The multi-cuisine Lunch was a delectable pursuit topped up with exceptionally delicious Kulfi, ice-creams along with varied pastries.

       Soon the Karaoke session was initiated and the Ladies homed on to the dance floor swaying to the melodious numbers being crooned. (Pics videos below) The young and energetic Karoke performers comprised Cdr Vijay Vadhera, Cdr Raj Dutta, Cdr RK Sharma, Cdr Dilip & Mrs Sucheta Phule, Cdr Anil Pande, Cdr Amitabh Bose, Mrs Mukti Ghosh and Sonali Mukherji. The icing on the cake was sonorous instrument play by Cdr Brahm Swaroop and Harmonica by Cdr Sakti Singh Das. Before departure the group sang "Happy Birthday to Cdr Vadhera" as Cdr Brahm Swaroop played his guitar. President NFMC's  Birthday fell the next day, ie 20 May.   


   A remarkable day reveled in magnificently. Awaiting next interaction with Veterans during the forthcoming Navy Week celebrations…Cheers ! Agar koi hum Veterans se poochhe, ke zindagi mein kya khoya aur kya paya ? Toh hum bejijhak kahenge, ‘Jo khoya vo hai hamara bachpan hamari nadaani, aur jo paya wo hai hamare Rab ki Meharbani ’… !!!


Sam No Varunah

Jai Hind.

(PS- Photos and videography by the energetic Meena Dutta, prancing around to capture the essence of the gathering. The main videos have been uploaded on her youtube channel. Kudos to her.)


        (Kindly double click the video links)






RAdm Rajat Kapoor and Capt Rajesh Saini with Cdr Abishek Kankan,
Capt Diwakar, Cmde Srikant Kesnur and Capt Shikher

Capt Jitender, Rupali and Raj Dutta 

VAdm P Jaitely, Mrs Bhadana, Dr Kanta, Sonali & Cmde KBS Bhadana 

Sonali talks to Cdr Kulshreshtha as Cmde Lali sneeks in with guffaw

The snap immediately later

Surg Cmde RK Patel (XO Asvini), VAdm IC Rao, Dr Ratna & Cmde Kohli 

Cmde  Pushkar Singh with Veterans Cdr Gaonkar, Cmde Tanksale and Capt Bhatnagar

Cmde KN Bhagat with cdrs Ved Prakash and Raj Saini

Cdr Saorabh Agarwal, Surg Capt Ratna, Surg Cmde RK Patel and Cdr Raj Dutta

Veterans best halves enjoy at Drona hard

Cmde S Kesnur with the dynamic duo Capt Raj & Mrs Sudesh Mohindra

CDR MS Grewal, RAdm PK Sinha, Cdr Dasonda Singh & Col K Sharma

Cdr Tony Chako, Cdr HMS Tanwar, Cdr HS Rawat

Mrs Ranjana Auditto with Veterans 

Shormita Das, Mukti Ghosh and Meena 

Meena, Mrs Sunita Vadhera, Surg Capt ratna M, Raj & Surg Cmde RK Patel

RAdm Rajat Kapoor flanked by Mrs Sunita and Cdr Vadhera

RAdm DN Thukral with Cmde Aspi Marker

A group photo of the dynamic NFMC Veterans

Drona hard

Nishi Kumar & VN Mrs Swarnlata Chand

Cdr Pratap Mehta with charming Ladies 

Anahita and Meena play Ringa ringa....

Meena with Cdr (Diver) RK Sharma

Cdr Raj Dutta & Cdr Sulakshan Sharma

Meena & Raj Dutta

Cdr Jitendra & Rupali Khanna

Cmde & Mrs Anand Singh

Mrs Sudesh Mohindra

LtCdr Shirgaonkar & Cdr B Bhandarkar

Meena & Rupali

Cdr Shailendra Sharma & Capt Rajesh Saini

Sonali, Anahita & Meena

Dr Kanta Mukherjee joins in

The Choir sings Happy Birthday to Cdr Vadhera (a day in advance)